- Chapter 7.
The name of this chapter reflects my understanding of truth. In
this chapter I will try to "decipher" this understanding. What is the
truth? The truth is a knowledge which proves to be true always and
under any circumstances. In such knowledge there is nothing ephemeral,
thought up. It is knowledge of God essence, of the Divine.
I am interested in many aspects of God, but the main thing, I always
wished to know (i. e. recollect) essence of God. And this essence is
obvious. It is so obvious that we usually do not notice it. Probably
because here a lot of contrasts to this phenomenon. And one of my
purposes is just to remind (including to itself) about of essence of
God, so about everything that exists. It is the true which is expressed
in three terrestrial words: «exists only Love».
God is the reason of the reasons. God is everything that exists. All.
All of us - One, all of us - parts of God. Therefore a lot of sides of
God and if and to try to define God through one concept, quite probably
to express by means of one word - Love. And there is only a Love.
Why only Love? Why then there is a fear, the hatred, all this struggle?
To answer this question it is necessary to recollect God again. It is
considered that God is a Creator that God has created the Life (or
speaking scientifically - the Universe). Yes it so because there is
nothing, except God. And if someone or something has created the Life,
it only God. But here with terminology «God - the Creator» I do not
agree. Yes, God has divided itself, and thus, various Divine parts
which are at different stages of evolution have been received. The
different worlds, the different beings, new feelings, such as a grief,
fear, anger, and others have been created. Yes, all it has appeared,
all it was created. From this point of view of God it is quite possible
to name the Creator. And so it actually also is, but with one
reservation - God has not created anything essentially other, opposite
Divine. God has created illusion… opposite Divine. Actually God could
not create that in a root is distinct from Divine. Because it is
impossible. Yes, probably very many, but not all and it including. As
there was all Love so it and remains Love. Only this Love has shared on
a part, which steels to differ from each other only smaller or big
parts the unique energy - Love. All the others of energy - not that
other as different degrees of Love.
For clearer understanding it is possible to imagine that the Love is
Light. And this Light has divided itself into parts. One greatest part
remained former, it also brightly and continuously Shines, as well as
always. Other smaller parts became less Light. The many different parts
of the Light have been received. And some of them were so unlike others
what to believe that they too have occurred from the same source it was
difficult. Because some of them so gleamed that seemed absolutely dark.
And some parts of the Light even have started to think that these dark
parts absolutely others, not such as they. And between Light and
darkness there was a struggle. And meanwhile Light which Shines more
brightly is capable to make out even in the most dark part of the Light
that always and everywhere exists - Light.
Because all the darkness is not phenomenon absolutely opposite to
Light, and is only relative phenomenon. They differ on illumination,
but not as a matter of fact. And thus, if to look in an essence of this
phenomenon the Light and darkness is the same phenomenon, only in
different degree of the expression. Precisely as well the fear is Love,
only they "are differently shined". All has occurred from Love and
there is nothing that would not be Love.
But certainly to assert, what to feel, for example, the rage and
pleasure is same I will not be. These are various enough, of course,
feelings. In this sense God has achieved that He wished - the various
phenomena which are opposite truly Divine have been created many. It
and division contrary to Unity. It and death contrary to the Life. It
and fear contrary to Love. But it is important to understand that all
these created opposite phenomena are relative. So, true division is not
present also it it is impossible. As there is no also true a death and
fear. To change an essence Divine it is impossible - it beginning and
it is eternal - and it is Love. It is impossible to make so that in
something or someone there was no Love. It is impossible to make so
that the fear always remained fear. All is Love and all will come to
the higher evolution - to Unity with God. Any being "is doomed" to be
shone all more brightly and more brightly because it is inevitable to
be Divine, it is inevitable to be Love, it is possible to choose only
again to pass the way from darkness to Light. And this way is Love
display and expression of Love.
Therefore it is possible to tell that the Life is a device for creation
of possibilities for Love display and expression of Love, and the
meaning of the Life (as the phenomena) consists in creation of such
What conclusions follow from this information, everyone solves for
himself. But I wish to share one more conclusion: always there is a
possibility to express your essence - you can always express yourselves
through action, words, thoughts or estate - always exists possibility
to Like, feel Love to yourself, to be Love. For expression of Love
there is no necessity for creation of certain conditions and the
reasons. Because the Love is the reason of all that occurred, occurs
and will occur. The Love is the reason of all other reasons. The Love
is the most natural phenomenon. The Love is possible always and
everywhere. The Love exists everywhere and eternally. Because the Love
is everything that exists. All - Love expression. Exists only Love!